Planar Chaos Seal of Primordium > < Hedge Troll
Sentido entrenado (SP Keen Sense)
Encantamiento - Aura (CMC:1)
Encantar criatura. Siempre que la criatura encantada haga daño de combate a un oponente, puedes robar una carta.
Crovax sintió que Mirri no estaba lista para la maldición que estaba adueñándose de ella. Con pena en el corazón, huyó.
152 PLC • SPJim Nelson
™ & © 1993—2007 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Time Spiral Block,Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Classic,Singleton 100,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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2/1/2007 This is the timeshifted version of Curiosity. 2/1/2007 You draw one card each time the enchanted creature damages the opponent. This is not one card per point of damage. 2/1/2007 If put on your opponent's creature, you do not draw a card when that creature damages you. The creature has to damage your opponent in order to have this work. 2/1/2007 Drawing a card is optional. If you forget, you can't go back later and do it, even if it is something you normally do.
Card Keen Sense is not on TCGPlayer.