PLCPlanar Chaos

Sentido entrenado (SP Keen Sense)

Sentido entrenado from Planar Chaos
Sentido entrenado from Planar Chaos

Encantamiento - Aura   {G} (CMC:1)

Encantar criatura. Siempre que la criatura encantada haga daño de combate a un oponente, puedes robar una carta.

Crovax sintió que Mirri no estaba lista para la maldición que estaba adueñándose de ella. Con pena en el corazón, huyó.

152 PLC • SPJim Nelson

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Modern,Time Spiral Block,Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Classic,Singleton 100,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
This is the timeshifted version of Curiosity.
You draw one card each time the enchanted creature damages the opponent. This is not one card per point of damage. 
If put on your opponent's creature, you do not draw a card when that creature damages you. The creature has to damage your opponent in order to have this work. 
Drawing a card is optional. If you forget, you can't go back later and do it, even if it is something you normally do.

Card Keen Sense is not on TCGPlayer.