
Bound // Determined (RU Bound // Determined)

Bound // Determined from Dissension
Bound // Determined from Dissension

Мгновенное заклинание   {3}{B}{G}/{G}{U} (CMC:7)

Пожертвуйте существо. Верните до Х карт со своего кладбища в свою руку, где Х - число цветов, которыми обладало это существо. Затем выведите эту карту существа из игры. // Устремленный {G}{U} Мгновенное заклинание В этот ход другие заклинания под вашим контролем нельзя прервать заклинаниями или способностями. Возьмите карту.

149 DIS • RUJim Nelson — watermark: Golgari/Simic

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Modern,Ravnica Block,Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Classic,Singleton 100,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

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The creature is sacrificed when Bound resolves. It's not an additional cost. It's not optional. If you can't sacrifice a creature or a colorless creature is sacrificed, no cards are returned.
The cards in the graveyard that you return as part of Bound's effect aren't targeted. They're chosen when the spell resolves. The creature you sacrificed may be one of them.
After Determined resolves, any spells or abilities that would counter a spell you control that turn will still resolve. They just won't counter that spell.
Spells you control may be countered by spells or abilities while Determined is on the stack, waiting to resolve.

Card Bound- -Determined is not on TCGPlayer.