Revised Edition
Mana Short
Instant (CMC:3)
All opponent's lands are tapped, and opponent's mana pool is emptied. Opponent takes no damage from unspent mana.
3E • ENDameon Willich
™ & © 1993—1994 Wizards of the Coast
Legal in: Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Singleton 100,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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10/4/2004 Since this is an instant, your opponent may use instants in response to the casting of this spell. Note that such spells and abilities will be resolved before the mana pool is emptied by the Mana Short. This makes it useless as a countermeasure for spells. To use it effectively, you need to use it during Upkeep and even then it will not prevent the use of instant spells and abilities. 10/4/2004 If you play Mana Short in response to a spell, it will have no effect on that spell since the mana has already been paid. 10/4/2004 It even taps lands that do not produce mana.
Card Mana Short is not on TCGPlayer.