Revised Edition
Primal Clay
Artifact Creature (CMC:4)
When you cast Primal Clay, you must choose whether to make it a 1/6 wall, a 3/3 creature, or a 2/2 flying creature. Primal Clay then remains in this form until altered by another card or removed from play.
3E • ENKaja Foglio
™ & © 1993—1994 Wizards of the Coast
Legal in: Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Singleton 100,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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7/1/2012 In zones other than the battlefield, Primal Clay is 0/0. 7/1/2012 If another permanent enters the battlefield as a copy of Primal Clay, the controller of that permanent will get to make a new choice. The copy won't necessarily have the same power, toughness, and abilities as the original. 7/1/2012 If a creature that's already on the battlefield becomes a copy of Primal Clay, it copies the power, toughness, and abilities that were chosen for Primal Clay when it entered the battlefield.
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