RIXRivals of Ixalan

船长的铁钩 (CS Captain's Hook)

船长的铁钩 from Rivals of Ixalan
船长的铁钩 from Rivals of Ixalan

神器 ~ - 武具   {3} (CMC:3)

佩带此武具的生物得+2/+0,具有威慑异能,且额外具有海盗此生物类别。 每当船长的铁钩从永久物上卸装时,消灭该永久物。 佩带{1}

13—14 January 2018

177 Prerelease RIX ★ CSSara Winters

Legal in: Pioneer,Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):
Captain’s Hook becomes unattached from the creature it’s equipping if you equip it to a new creature, if Captain’s Hook leaves the battlefield, if the equipped creature ceases to be a creature, or if Captain’s Hook ceases to be an Equipment. (It also becomes unattached if the equipped creature leaves the battlefield, but the triggered ability won’t do anything in that case.)

Card Captain's Hook is not on TCGPlayer.